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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Jesus Goes to the Synagogue

Jesus Goes to the Synagogue, originally uploaded by MisterEric.

Shalom, I'd like to get a loan

I am a JEW, originally uploaded by MisterEric.

Friday, August 05, 2005

An Astronauts Self Portrait

An Astronauts Self Portrait, originally uploaded by Dan Lin.

Great photo of a Discovery Spacewalker snapping at himself. Why not, use the Space Shuttle and the Planet Earth as the background while you've got it.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Learn how to punch the right way!

Everything you need to know about punching people in the face. Marlene, keep that thumb out from under your other fingers if you don't want it broken!

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"We no longer recommend Firefox"

Interesting read on some of the areas the Mozilla foundation has been making money.

"In June 2005, we read that a Silicon Valley blogger with alleged insider information was reporting that the Mozilla Foundation was raking in $30 million annually from their Google connection"

read more | digg story

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Full Size Cardboard Helicopter

Cardboard Helicopter, originally uploaded by Dan Lin.

World's First Cloned Dog

World's First Cloned Dog, originally uploaded by Dan Lin.

Scientist in South Korea unveils the world's first clone canine. The cryogenetisists are officially out of jobs.

Monday, August 01, 2005

New law to make publicly free wifi illegal

2 senators have propose a law that will ban cities from implementing free wifi for their citizens. instead, they will allow private companies to capitalize on what would have been free for everyone. call your senator and revolt!

read more | digg story